Did you Know? 8,100 K-12 schools were gifted books containing Sexually Explicit or Concerning Ideological Content...
15% of these books are then infused into class curriculum
60% of schools then buy more of these books
$28m has already been donated to (GLSEN) Rainbow library
6 million students across 33 states are now seeing and being encouraged to read content that often contains sexually explicit material or a concerning agenda
Help us counter the efforts of organizations determined to fill libraries with sexually explicit material.
Our 2024 goal is to send wholesome book bundles to 250 schools across the country that imbue curiosity, beauty & goodness into the hearts, intellects, and spirits of children across all age groups.

We've partnered with publishers and distributors whose only agenda is to get good books into the hands of children. By donating to and sharing this initiative with others, you will be contributing to the success of the next generation!
Check out the publishers and distributors we've partnered with, as well as the quality books you can help get into the hands of the next generation.
Our 2023 goal is to stock 250 K-12 schools with these Good Books. Please join us and make a lasting impact in protecting and encouraging the minds of the next generation!

Our 2023 goal is to stock 250 K-12 schools with these Good Books. Please join us and make a lasting impact in protecting and encouraging the minds of the next generation!