Logic Courses

Logic Course High School

“A great benefit of learning logic is that it trains students to think clearly in all subjects by helping them organize, make connections, and draw conclusions about all types of information.”
- Classical Conversations


A world where students thinking logically as opposed to reacting on emotions; where the art of rhetoric becomes the delivery mechanism for well-constructed arguments as opposed to being a tool for manipulating emotions.


A world where students thinking logically as opposed to reacting on emotions; where the art of rhetoric becomes the delivery mechanism for well-constructed arguments as opposed to being a tool for manipulating emotions.


Students are hesitant or unable to engage in civil discourse that is grounded in facts; instead, they succumb to emotions when they make their stance known. If this continues, they will not have the skills needed to navigate the complexities of the real world.


Students are hesitant or unable to engage in civil discourse that is grounded in facts; instead, they succumb to emotions when they make their stance known. If this continues, they will not have the skills needed to navigate the complexities of the real world.


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Curriculum Teaching Logic

We are in the information age, and our children are not immune to the influence of the constant bombardment of their minds. It is more important than ever that they develop the skills to disseminate fact from fiction. The study of Logic as an elective or required course in high school would benefit students in their continuing education as well as their journey into adulthood. This initiative will be a priority as we talk to those in charge of curriculum adoption in districts nationwide.

John Locke “Logic is the anatomy of thought.”


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